Gowes Sumpah Pemuda 27102012

Kerawang | Jawa Barat | Indonesia

Sanur Sunrise

Sanur | Bali | Indonesia

Jump Higher Dude!

Pantai Losari Makassar

Benteng Rotterdam Makassar

Makassar | Sulawesi Selatan | Indonesia

Konservasi Penyu

Pulau Penyu | Tanjung Benoa | Bali | Indonesia

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Idioms (Again)

  • Not everyone's cup of tea
  • Break a leg
  • Busy bee
  • easy as pie
  • as mad as hatters
  • for a song
  • couch potato
  • string attached
  • the lesser of two evils
  • it goes without saying
  • Average Joe
  • Plain Jane
  • Sharp as a tack
  • Cry baby
  • Good for nothing
  • a pretty penny
  • a penny saved is a penny earned
  • mint condition
  • bag of bones
  • cutting edge
  • bleeding edge
  • etc

Simple Idioms

There is no doubt that idiom is essential to make your speaking up. However, you should deliver it appropriately unless it would lead to chaotic conversation. Furthermore, idiom doesn't always come with sophisticated phrase. I'd like to share simple idioms which I have read before for as follows:

  1. To die down - to become more quite; to diminish; to subside
  2. to come about - to happen; to occur; to be caused
  3. to stand out - to be noticeable; to be prominent; to be clearly seen
  4. to break down - to fail to function; to stop working properly
  5. to fall through - to fail to occur; not to happen
  6. to get ahead - to make progress; to succeed
  7. to get around - to travel; to move about
  8. to hold on - to wait; to pause
  9. to open up - to talk honestly and freely
  10. to come up - to arise
  11. to break in - to interrupt
  12. to catch on - to finally understand
  13. to look on - to watch; to observe; to be a spectatore
  14. to settle down - to become calm,quite, or peaceful; to begin a normal; stable life
  15. to show up - to arrive; to appear
  16. to take after - resemble; to look like
  17. to go without -not to have; to lack
  18. to turn into - to become; to change into
  19. to get over - to recover from
  20. to turn to - to ask help of; get advice from
Could you help me to organise the other idioms?

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Building Lucrative Online Store in Indonesia: An Information Systems Approach

Technology has influenced the way people sell and purchase. Since the conventional markets have been saturated, technology has generated a breakthrough-electronic commerce. E-commerce is associated with selling and buying by using the internet (Rodgers, Yen & Cou, 2002, p.186). Obviously, online trade grows rapidly in line with the growth of technology. Indonesia has experienced online commerce booming as well. According to Indonesia Internet Service Provider Association (2012), Indonesian internet users reached 63 million in 2012 and it will probably increase gradually to 82 million users by 2013. As a result, it is such an enormous opportunity to establish profitable ventures (Jennex, Amoroso & Adelakun, 2004, p.263). Therefore, we should address the key factors of establishing favorable online store system. It is my belief that maintaining consumers’ trust is indispensable in e-commerce and this paper considers previous empirical researchers. 

First of all, McKnight, Choudhury and Kacmar (2002, p.334) claim that the consumers’ trust is a significant factor to overcome perceived risk and uncertainty. Without physical contact, consumers may hesitate to buy commodities from virtual stores (Flavian & Guinaliu, 2006). For instance, internet users who do not have any experience engaging with online transactions may be reluctant to purchase from e-commerce web sites. This is because they are afraid of being exploited in terms of privacy and finance. Therefore, there is no doubt that a company which maintains its consumers’ trust will be more competitive in terms of profitability. 

To establish trust, there are three factors to consider. Firstly, according to Wiedmann, Hennigs, Varelmann and Reeh (2010, p.138-140), technology significantly determines the trust. Moreover, technology element is associated with security and privacy foundation. A secure e-commerce application protects its systems and data from threats or exploitation. This means that an e-commerce system should be prudently designed to become reliable and trustworthy in order to maintain consumers’ trust. The application should be equipped with a secure encryption system and an antivirus to avoid failure. 

Furthermore, Wiedmann et al. (2010, p.142) describe that usability plays a crucial role to maintain trust. The usability is closely related to usefulness, ease of use and good information quality. This means that online stores should be useful, easy and informative in order to eliminate the hesitation of consumers. For example, a catalogue located on a company’s web site should be easy to access and it should state clearly important information, such as price, terms and conditions, delivery methods, payment methods and discounts. Furthermore, Nicolaou and McKnight (2006, p.334-335) examine that perceived information quality influences trusting belief and intention to use e-commerce application as well. In addition, the e-commerce portal can be emphasised with attractive design without omitting usability concepts. 

Finally, Dillon and Reif (2004) point out that customer service positively influences purchase decisions in e-commerce. Customer service consists of vendor knowledge, delivery time, and responsiveness, form of payment, vendor reliability and return convenience. Since customer service can propagate trust and it maintains buyer loyalty as well. Therefore, online stores should establish outstanding customer service in order to enhance its outcome. 

In conclusion, maintaining customers’ trust is the key factor of e-commerce success. Consequently, online businesses should build their system by considering security and privacy concepts, reliable information quality and customer care in order to maintain consumers’ trust.

*) "Copy Paste" without acknowledging the initial author is considered to be academic theft



Chen, J., & McQueen, R.J. (2008). Factors affecting e-commerce stages of growth in small Chinese firms in New Zealand: An analysis of adoption motivators and inhibitors. Journal of Global Information Management , 16(1), pp. 26-60.
Dillon, T.W., & Reif, H.L. (2004). Factors influencing consumers' e-commerce commodity purchases. Information Technology, Learning, and Performance Journal , 22(2), pp. 1-12.
Flavian, C., & Guinaliu, M. (2006). Consumer trust, perceived security and privacy policy: Three basic elements of loyalty to a web site. Industrial Management & Data , 106(5), pp. 601-620.
Indonesia Internet Service Provider Association. (2012). 2013, pengguna internet Indonesia bisa tembus 82 juta. Retrieved from http://www.apjii.or.id.
Jennex, M.E., Amoroso, D., & Adelakun, O. (2004). E-Commerce infrastructure success factors for Small companies in developing economies. Electronic Commerce Research , 4(3), pp. 263-286.
McKnight, D.H., Choudhury, V., & Kacmar, C. (2002). Developing and validating trust measures for e-commerce: An integrative typology. Information Systems Research , 13(3), pp. 334-359.
Nicolaou, A.I., & McKnight, D.H. (2006). Perceived information quality in data exchanges: Effects on risk, trust, and intention to use. Information Systems Research , 17(4), pp. 332-351.
Rodgers, J.A., Yen, D.C., & Cou, D.C. (2002). Developing e-business: A strategic approach. Information Management & Computer Security , 10(4), pp. 184-192.
Wiedmann, K.P., Hennigs, N., Varelmann, D., & Reeh, M.O. (2010). Determinants of consumers' perceived trust in IT-ecosystems. Journal of Theoritical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research , 5(2), pp. 137-154.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

To what extent do you agree or disagree e-mail is the best way to deliver information (IELTS Task 2)

As we live in hi-tech age, technology has provided an ease in terms of communication. Obviously, the most brilliant invention in communication era is e-mail or electronic mail. There is no doubt that e-mail has replaced conventional methods to deliver messages. However, electronic mail brings many benefits as well as some pitfalls. It is my belief that using e-mail is more advantageous than traditional mail and I will examine my thesis by considering the obvious merits and demerits in using e-mail.

To begin with, using e-mail to deliver information has some advantages. Firstly, e-mail has hyper-transferability. This means that e-mail is able to convey messages extremely fast compared to conventional mail. For instance, delivering traditional mail may be delayed due to weather or other hampering conditions. In addition, this method is considered to be inexpensive to deliver data and information. By connecting to ISP, standing for Internet Service Provider, you will experience limitless access to sent messages. Moreover, some public place are equipped with free hotspot. It means that sending message can be costless. Finally, regarding environmental preservation, using e-mail to convey messages and documents is considered as a smart way to reduce paper consumption. As a result, the use of e-mail can be associated with reducing the overuse of resources such as trees and forest.

However, there are some considerable drawbacks as well. According to some research papers, the greatest obstacle, with which internet deals, is security issues. The security is associated with global current problems, which are viruses and phishing. The virus is able to damage our data and operation system and e-mail can be medium to contaminate our computer because of file attached or trapping url link. Furthermore, phishing, associated with earning money illegally, is potential to harm e-mail users in terms of economic loss. Consequently, we can be trapped and become a victim of this crime if we are not careful.

In conclusion, despite some problems, the merits outstrip the demerits because it is fast, inexpensive and environmentally friendly. Therefore, I firmly believe that e-mail is an appropriate method to deliver messages as well as documents.

in task 2 IELTS we should write 250 words