In the recent five decades, women have emerged as the skillful workforce. Moreover, recently, many CEO positions are held by the female leaders. Furthermore, from middle-level manager to low-level labor, there are so many female workers in the workforce. For example, the women have dominated over the men as blue-collar-employees in cigarette factory in Indonesia. Obviously, the women has come up to become a financial support for their family, or even they serve as a breadwinner. However, there are not only benefits related to working mother, but also some considerable drawbacks. It is my belief that the women may work in the office as the men do with some exceptions and I will address my thesis by considering the obvious advantages and disadvantages.
First of all, the women and the men have different natural skills. For instance, in a general sense, the female employees are more meticulous and they have senses of art more than the male employees. It does not mean that the women's ability outstrips the men's, yet they have their own talents. Therefore, some positions suit with the female employees instead of the male workforce, such as designer and general affair manager. Furthermore, in the developing country, especially low-income families, fathers serving as a breadwinner cannot earn enough money and they need a financial support from their spouse. Surprisingly, this condition does not happen merely in developing country. According to recent news, mothers in USA has started to work in order to provide their family needs because USA undergoes a considerable financial crisis. For example, since USA government has been shutdown for 3 weeks, the government employees are unpaid while their daily needs have to be fulfilled. The mothers, whose the husbands have taken unpaid leave in USA, have emerged to become heroes. In addition, in some developing countries such as African countries or Asian countries, there are a lot of widows and single parents with dependents. It means that they must provide their family by becoming entrepreneur or workers in factory and farmland, unless they will experience starving.
On the other hand, there are some considerable drawbacks related to the women in workplace. Firstly, in terms of childrearing, the mother's time for taking care their children has decreased since they have worked in the office. Obviously, toddlers need abundance of affection from their mother because they undergo a crucial-developing stage. Consequently, the absence of their mother will probably affect their psychology, such as secure feeling. Moreover, mother obviously should be the closer role model for their baby because toddler in this stage tends to imitate their surrounding behavior. Furthermore, the number of divorce has risen since five decades, especially in the family in which the mother works. It is alleged that the absence of the mother in family probably lead to divorce. Moreover, the number of affair also has jumped dramatically since the women entered the workplace. In addition, money is associated with power. Therefore, the women who earn much money tend to dominate over the men in their family in terms of problem solving and decision making. It possibly leads to debates, fights and everyday turmoil.
In conclusion, women entering workplace have some benefits, such as financial support. However, there are some considerable drawbacks, which are women's domination, divorce, affair and family turmoil. I firmly agree that the women may work, provided that they have to focus on their family and children. Family comes first, doesn't it?
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